Welcome To
Mr. Davis' Webpage
Social Studies
Muncy Jr. Sr. High School
Muncy leads the way in inspiring youth through unparalleled academics, character-building, tradition, and innovation.
Collaborate Educate Inspire Empower
Online Learning & Flexible Instructional Days
Welcome to the online learning and FID. With every school year one of the most important parts of a successful classroom is communication! Please let Mr. Davis know as soon as you can if you need any help accessing online learning materials or FID. This page is designed to help navigate the classroom in the event there is an online learning day or a FID from home and school. Please check the Google Classroom for materials, homework, and assignments. Before every online class starts, please review the Zoom Meeting Online Rules and Netiquette. Thank you and happy learning!
Quick Links:
Click on the following links to access the FID lesson. Please note these lessons will only become live if they are needed throughout the school year.
Each student will have an alternative assignment that they can access if
the power or internet is down.
Flexible Instructional Days
Flexible Instructional Days (FID) & Online Learning Information Center
What is Flexible Instructional Days
A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is a program available to public school entities to be used as an alternative approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in the customary manner.(Information from the Department of Education of Pennsylvania)
Online Learning
In the event that Muncy School District would go to remote learning all students will be required to have their camera on and in a Zoom meeting for the duration of the class.
Students will need access to Google Classroom and review the work for the day by looking for the date and finding the tasks assigned.
If you cannot access anything, please email Mr. Davis at mdavis@muncysd.k12.pa.us or send him a message on Remind.
Mr.Davis Virtual Classroom:
Click on the pictures below to link to different websites and resources!
Resources for Online Learning
Expectations for Online Learning
Zoom Meeting Online Rules and Netiquette
Directions: Please read all of these expectations and rules for each Zoom meeting. If at any time you are not following these expectations you will be asked to leave or sent out of the meeting. These guidelines will ensure every student to have a successful class.
Teacher Guidelines for Mr. Davis’ class:
School appropriate outfit
Mute your mic if you are not talking
Use your first or last name so that I can identify who is coming into the Zoom meeting.
Think about your background (You can choose a virtual background to use, but make sure that is it is school appropriate and not moving or distracting to your peers. Mr. Davis has the right to ask you to change it at any time.)
Think about background noise and find a place that is quiet and good for video conference (kitchen, living room, and even outside if you have space or the weather is nice)
Practice speaking to the camera NOT the Screen. Students should use the chat feature to ask questions during instructional time. This will allow us to have a seamless class.
Comments need to be appropriate and connecting to the content we are discussing for class.
Think about your actions on camera and your digital footprint. Other students may be able to see you in a Zoom meeting.
Raise your hand in the video if you have a question and I will call on you. You can use the reaction features in Zoom. Keeping order during the video will allow us to have a smooth class.
I will be using a Zoom password and the waiting room to allow you to access the meeting. The meeting will not open until the schedule time, try to log on 3 minutes before to make sure you can access Zoom. NOTIFY Mr. Davis of any issues prior to the start of class.
You should be present at all times during the meeting. The content and the material are important every day to make connections and understanding of content we are covering.
Sit up during Zoom sessions. Treat these meetings as you were in class.
Talk to your parents/guardians about the Zoom meeting and if they have any questions please tell them to contact me -Email: mdavis@muncysd.org
Remember that all school rules in the student handbook apply on the Zoom meeting