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Extra Help? 


Have you checked your grade recently? Do you know your grade? Look for missing assignments and assessments. Come up with a plan and see Mr. Davis for help. Remember open communication can help take care of the grade on a regular bases. Try not to wait until two weeks until the marking period is over for help. 


Office hours will be in room 205

By appointment! 


Stop by before or after school to see 

Mr. Davis.


What is office hours? 

Office hours are when you can see me after school to discuss assignments and missing work. You can have some one or one time and discuss any concerns about the class.

What does my grade mean?

A  92-100  Superior

B  83-91  Above Average

C  75-82  Average

D  70-74  Below Average

E  Below 70 Unsatisfactory

How can I get my grade up? 


Step #1: Look at your grade on PowerSchool. (Think about how often you check your grade. You should be looking at PowerSchool at least once a week.) 


Step #2: Come up with a plan! Write down all the assignments you are missing and discuss them with your parents/guardians. 


Step #3: See Mr. Davis. Come in and see Mr. Davis before school, after class, or during office hours. 


Step #4: Follow the directions and guidance from Mr. Davis. 


Step #5: Continue to check your grades and see Mr. Davis on once a week. 


You got this.png

Before any chapter test, students can attend a special after school session to go over questions on their study guide and review the material for the test.

Student Messages 

Sign up for remind and get up-to-date information and assignments. You can find the codes on Mr. Davis' home page. 


Make sure you are seeing Mr. Davis as soon possible to work on any grades. This will be important to make sure we can keep and maintain the grade you want. 

"I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  - Robert Frost 

Please note: These pictures and videos are not owned by Mr.Davis. 

Disclaimer: Some of Mr. Davis' web pages have links to sites outside the school's official website. If you click on these links to visit other sites, you are subject to the privacy policies of those sites while you are visiting them, rather than Muncy School District policies.

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